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Funds, Friends, and Fun

I recently returned from a short visit to Virginia.  Did you know that they have real trees up there.  Down here in Texas and Oklahoma, we only have large bushes.  And, apparently, I have just made every person in Virginia very angry by insinuating with the phrase ‘up there’ that Virginia is a northern state.  Listen, when you live in Texas, everything north of Oklahoma is a northern state.

As usual, I traveled alone.  The last time I traveled by plane, I was part of a large group.  I’m not sure if I have become antisocial as the years have churned by, but I really prefer traveling alone.  I know what needs to be done, and I can’t be bothered by people who don’t know what needs to be done.  Anyway, I had a very nice trip visiting friends (yes, I do have friends) and seeing  a few historical sights.  My dad calls them ‘hysterical sights’; I’m not sure why.

We visited a Civil War battle ground and saw trenches that are said to have been dug by Civil War soldiers.  Ever the cynic, I couldn’t help but wonder how it is that one verifies the authenticity of holes in the ground.   Once I accepted the idea that people in 1864 dug the ditches, it was a great experience.

The purpose of the trip was certainly to connect with old friends but also to raise funds.  I was attending an informal social setting and found myself needing pledge forms, but I didn’t have any with me at the time.  Fundraising never ceases.  Asking people for money gets easier over time, but it never gets comfortable.