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Meeting the Board

A few days ago I had the privilege of meeting the board members of Friends of Faith World Outreach.  I arrived at the hotel around noon only to discover that nothing official would begin until about 6.  Ken Isom, the treasurer, had also arrived at noon, and we found ourselves with nothing to do.  The other early arrivals had ventured out to do some shopping.  So, Ken and I drove down the street to get something to eat.  We came back to the hotel with several hours still to kill.  What better way to pass that time than to take a nap?  I awoke from my slumber around 6 and prepared myself for the meeting.  My snack from earlier had worn off, and I was hungry.  As I  left the hotel room I sincerely hoped that food was on the agenda.  I walked into the lobby and noticed that the nearby conference room was occupied by a tabled laden with barbecue.  Fortunately, Christian fellowship always centers around food!

The meetings went well, and I got to meet many like-minded people.  My friends Denzel and Rebecca Hood, the founding missionaries, were there along with their daughter and son whom I had not seen in a long time.  It was good to see them.  A few month before, the executive members of the board had voted unofficially to take me on as a missionary.  It was a pleasure to meet the people who had voted for me without formally knowing me.  During the meetings, the entire board voted officially to bring on as a missionary.

One of the board members also committed to a considerable monthly pledge.  Because of this pledge, I am now on the downhill slide with my fundraising.  I plan to be in Niger by July or August.   I want to say “Thank You” to Friends of Faith and to all of my supporters for everything you do for me.